Posts Tagged ‘choice’

Big choices and small decisions

We make millions of choices throughout life that steer us along our path. We choose what to eat, when to go, when to protect, when to give up, when to push through, when to go the extra mile, when to rest, what to spend our lives and careers getting better at, and what we want…

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Scared that it won’t or scared that it will?

Some people say no to doing something new because they’re scared that it won’t work. More often we deny because of the fear that it will. And because if it does work we’ll have to face ourselves in that new reality. In light of information that shifts our perspective, we either change our status quo…

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Ink in the pen.

Don’t wait until you’re hungry to go shopping. Your choices will be irrational and will often cost you more. Don’t choose what time you will wake up when you’re exhausted and about to go to bed. You may confuse what your priorities are. If you want to start trusting yourself and accomplishing higher levels of…

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Who, why, what

Knowing who this is all for brings clarity to your why. A clear why clears up what must be done now.

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Health is contagious

If the people you spend the most time with all catch a cold, it’s likely that you will also catch a cold. If they all choose to have leafy greens as a side dish, it’s likely that you will too. Maybe not every time, but your decisions of food, exercise, and bedtime probably line up…

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The opposition

When we make change, we are bound to experience resistance. This is a sign that we doing something right. Opposing forces in nature are often described as such, as if they are in opposition. In reality, the tension created by resistance holds the potential energy that has caused any significant change throughout history. Gravity is…

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35,000 decisions

The decision to be healthy is not just one decision. We make roughly 35,000 decisions per day and each of them is an opportunity to influence health for better or worse. There is variability is the number of decisions among people of course. For example, a child’s choice count is perhaps closer to 3,000. Regardless,…

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The short and long games

The short game will cause noticeable change before your very eyes. And as soon as your eyes are averted, the change will often snap right back to it’s original state. The long game boils a frog one degree at a time and your life is shaped one action at a time. If you align your…

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Go to health.

A man goes to confessional and the priest tells him to stop sinning if he wants to go to Heaven. The same man goes to his doctor who tells him to stop eating sugar and drinking alcohol if he wants to be healthy. The man goes to his bathroom and the person in the mirror…

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Nobody can make you feel

Nobody can make you feel wrong. Nobody can make you feel stupid. Nobody can make you feel. You’re more powerful than that. 1) You notice someone do something. 2) Your mind gives meaning to what they did and determines if it contributes to your life, or doesn’t. 3) Then you feel. When you take ownership…

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