3-6-6 Method of Change

We often overestimate what we can change in one day and underestimate what we can change in six months.

Every 3 weeks your brain goes through significant neuroplastic change. You would have heard about 21 day challenges or 3 week summer classes. If you want to learn a new skill, focus hard for 3 weeks and you take advantage of neural adaptations.

Every 6 weeks your body completes a cellular cycle of muscle. If you’re going to the gym to get more muscle, don’t expect to see much change until about 6 weeks. You don’t get bigger muscles from working out. Your muscles adapt once they have recuperated from the trauma of working out. The recuperation will take time. After the muscular adaptation you will now be adding strength to the changes that you had already adapted to neurologically.

Every 6 months your body significantly reorganizes its connective tissue. Fascia is a tissue that takes more convincing than the nerves and muscles before changing itself. After 6 months of neural adaptations and muscular changes, your connective tissue will start to more accurately match the needs, forces, and positions that your body has assumed in the previous 6 months.

Our adaptability is both our greatest strength and our greatest vulnerability.

What change will you make in the coming 6 months?