Connection Strategy

Anytime we find ourselves in conflict, it’s best to focus on and clear our side of it first. A strategy to begin resolving most conflict from our side of the net is to ask the following questions in your mind:

1) What would all of this look like if it was easy?

2) When I’m speaking to the other person am I acutely Interested in both of us getting our needs met? If the answer here is no, I need to pause the conversation to reorient my priorities to our needs.

3) What can I do to contribute to the other person’s life and my own life in this moment?

When we connect to life, to others, and to ourselves in this way, it is likely that anything we think, say, and do will be in alignment with our values and make the world a better place.

[Side note: Don’t forget that the “other person” mentioned above is often the person in your head.]