Posts Tagged ‘san francisco’


Having a range of motion is flexibility. Breathe. Owning a range of motion is mobility. Breathe. To own the range, we must be able to demonstrate strength while moving through it. Breathe. True strength involves sound breathing. Keep practicing.

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Health is contagious

If the people you spend the most time with all catch a cold, it’s likely that you will also catch a cold. If they all choose to have leafy greens as a side dish, it’s likely that you will too. Maybe not every time, but your decisions of food, exercise, and bedtime probably line up…

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Alignment is efficiency.

Efficiency is conserving resources while achieving a result. Of our resources, time is the most fixed. So how are you aligning the rest of your energy, money, relationships, experiences, and skillsets? Are you… investing vs spending money? investing vs exerting energy? investing in vs having relationships? Investing resources that achieve an outcome that serves other…

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Conducting health

The conductor of an orchestra is typically not as skilled at playing the violin as the 1st chair violinist. The conductor is the expert at directing the performance of the orchestra as a whole. She knows when the violin should come in and fade out. She recognizes when an on beat quaver pattern from the…

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Dear Dentist with EDS / JHS in pain

Email received from Dentist after meeting the person at a screening: Dear Lance, Thanks for the email. It turns out, the doctor (spine surgeon) diagnosed me with Hypermobility syndrome- apparently all of my joints have excessive mobility, which can lead to neck/back pain and headaches. He recommended going to PT and doing some Pilates/strength training.…

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