Posts Tagged ‘mindset’

Q&A – Good thoughts vs bad thoughts

The question: How can we tell if a thought creates or removes dissonance in our lives? And is there a third category where a thought doesn’t contribute to either? These first two categories have an important practical application that helps us make quick decisions regarding entertaining thoughts. Do these thoughts help me or hurt me?…

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Finding presence

Lying in bed trying to fall asleep. Holding my son when he cries at night. Floating in the moment before I adjust someone after learning that they had just lost a parent. There are many moments in life that are made better when experienced with presence. And by no accident these are the most difficult…

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Not good enough

If you think that you’re not good enough, I imagine you’re also holding yourself back from making mistakes. Hiding. Anyone who became good enough, practiced being “not good” often enough to learn what better felt like. Go.

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