The Weak End

When starting a new diet, the easiest part is typically the first few days that lead up to the first weekend (aka the “weak end”).

This is when you start to think, “this diet is hard.” In the days leading up to the ” weak end”, we have the structure and routine of our work or school. We have the community of people we have recruited to support us. We have fewer decisions that we make consciously since we spend our week showing up where we have already decided we would show up and doing the things that we had already planned on doing.

The resistance is first and most intensely encountered at the first weekend. The celebrations, the brunches, the travel, the visitors, the chaos, the decisions

In the corridor of pre-planned to-do’s and in the safe space of routine, it’s easy to avoid what will need to happen eventually if you want the change to last.

Eventually, you realize that it’s not the diet that is difficult.

It’s facing yourself.

It’s looking yourself in the eye and feeling a longing for the life you know you’re capable of living. It’s taking responsibility for your part in walking the path to this point. It’s forgiving yourself for doing the best you could.

It’s deciding to show up – differently now.