Posts Tagged ‘the long game’

The short and long games

The short game will cause noticeable change before your very eyes. And as soon as your eyes are averted, the change will often snap right back to it’s original state. The long game boils a frog one degree at a time and your life is shaped one action at a time. If you align your…

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One vision is one version

Being a parent requires having vision. If being a parent is the highest priority, then all other activities are strategies that promote this. Becoming a partner and/or spouse is a strategy to be a better parent. A chosen profession is a strategy to be a better parent. Aligning the ability to find enjoyment by contributing…

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The vision bucket

Having a vision is like having a really big bucket. It is the biggest bucket that life’s other buckets are placed within. If a smaller bucket like a career, relationship, or hobby is being filled with the resources of time, energy, focus, and money it is most effective and efficient for the filling of that…

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Compounding Self-Interest

If you saved a penny today and two pennies tomorrow, then kept doubling your investment every day, you would have saved $1 Million in 21 days. Imagine the equivalent impact of healthy decisions. Move a little better today. Move and eat a little better tomorrow. Continue increasing the quality and modifying the quantity of your…

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When your ancestors traveled in tribes, it’s hard to believe that the equivalent of the modern day couch potato would have been allowed to suck up resources without contributing to the lives of the other tribe members. Multiply this over millennia and you have the need for contribution built-in as a survival mechanism to the…

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When you finally pour the coffee into your mouth and experience the flavor, this is the result of a process. The flavor of the coffee is infused with the process. The process affects the taste. For some the coffee-making process takes two minutes and six steps: place filter in the coffee maker, add water to…

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In service of the long game

A good starting point for the long game of any endeavor is to identify who it is that you want to spend your life serving. What change do they hope to make in their lives? What promise can you make to them when they experience your service? What beliefs do they have? Continue to become…

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