Velcro and teflon

We remember positive moments like teflon and negative moments like velcro. It’s a valid evolutionary survival method, but can get us in trouble as well. When we accomplish a goal, we can’t just expect to remember it to the same degree that we will the mistakes we made along the way. We have to celebrate…

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Container quality

The quality of the container matters. Identify the intention of entering a space. Then ask if the space facikitates or hinders achieving this result. If a space presents many distractions (sound, sight, temperature, safety), it consumes energy in the form of attention given to the stimulus or the tension of remaining focused while avoiding the…

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When we have the tools of emotional intelligence, we can apply them in reflection to extract lessons from every situation, mistake, or success we’ve experienced. We have within us the power to process trauma, improve skills, and grow as we wish. If we gather, sharpen, and use the tools.

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Three takeaways from Caberet

1) These people moved me and I want to work with them 2) We can’t see what we can’t see and need to break down our blinders before it’s too late 3) The revolution will be in the pbysical medium.

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Peeling back layers by listening

Healing is facilitated to deeper layers when level 5 listening occurs. The level of listening that is infused with focus and care. Where we perceive beyond the words we’re hearing and fully commit to care for the human having the experience we’re witnessing. One of the mechanisms of the healing is that this level of…

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Either-or… both

I hear a common thread among friends and colleagues related to wanting a focused connection with family or peers instead of explaining choices related to diet. Reasons mentioned have been that the people we care about won’t understand, it will take to much energy, and it will distract from the quality of connection. I deal with this…

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Q&A – Good thoughts vs bad thoughts

The question: How can we tell if a thought creates or removes dissonance in our lives? And is there a third category where a thought doesn’t contribute to either? These first two categories have an important practical application that helps us make quick decisions regarding entertaining thoughts. Do these thoughts help me or hurt me?…

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The tension of meaning

Visiting the seemingly-opposing views of living a “meaningful life” and a life of “meaninglessness” is one of my favorite and fruitful thought-experiments. I love to spend time gazing at the stars, realizing that there are billions of them and that I am relatively insignificant as an individual. There is freedom in finding solace with the…

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Q&A from The Trust Workshop – Dishonesty

The following was inspired by a question I received within The Trust Workshop regarding dishonesty: The question, paraphrased: “When someone is dishonest, how do I know their intention without them telling me? And if their intention doesn’t serve my needs, do I just the let it go even if I feel hurt that someone lied…

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The two-year itch

Another two years has past and there it is. The need to change something. To move somewhere new. To change jobs. To shake it up. It’s very common in the United States due to the intervals of our education system. Two years of middle school, two years of lower class, two years of upper class,…

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